Safeguarding Policy

Safeguarding Policy

Christs’ Hospital Choral Society is an organisation composed of choir members.  Rehearsals are run by our Music Director who is also the Music Director at Christs’ Hospital on whose premises we rehearse.  In certain cases, there is a substitute who is a member of staff from Christs’ Hospital and an accompanist.
Christs’ Hospital Choral Society does not advertise itself as an activity suitable for children or vulnerable adults.  Most choir members are independent adults.  It happens only rarely that a young person (providing they are over 16 and able to sing in one of the four adult voice parts – Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass) or vulnerable adult joins, rehearses and performs with us.
Choir rehearsals and performances are group activities, and there is no need for a member of the choir to be alone with another member of any age.  Christs’ Hospital Choral Society is therefore unlikely to be targeted by a person seeking opportunities to abuse children or vulnerable adults.  Nonetheless, Christs’ Hospital Choral Society recognises the need to safeguard any young and vulnerable members and the Committee has therefore agreed the following Safeguarding Policy.
The Policy and procedures will be reviewed annually at the Committee meeting held in July.  It will be approved by the whole Committee and signed by the Chairman on behalf of the Committee
Christs’ Hospital Choral Society’s Safeguarding Policy
    • Christs’ Hospital Choral Society will publicise its Safeguarding Policy on its website and draw it to the attention of members at the beginning of each season.  All members will be asked to read it and sign the register to say that they have read and understood it.
    • Young and vulnerable people will be welcome to join Christs’ Hospital Choral Society as long as they bring a parent or guardian who remains responsible for them throughout rehearsals and performances.  No other adult may be substituted.  If the parent cannot attend a rehearsal for any reason, the child or vulnerable adult will also miss the rehearsal.
    • Christs’ Hospital Choral Society will nominate a Designated Person and Deputy who will be DBS checked regularly and who will attend appropriate training as required.
    • Choir members will report any concerns to the Designated Person based on the detailed guidance in the Policy.
    • If there are concerns about a child who resides in West Sussex, we will contact the Children’s Access Point as a first point of contact.
01403 229900
Out of hours: 01903 694422
The full local procedures are available at:
Our Senior Designated Person is:
Liz Lancaster